February 5, 2011

This is the reason why people don't like Republicans.

Now, I'm the sort of person who likes to be at least a little bit politically aware. I like to have an idea of what's going on in the world around me. Call me crazy, but I even take an interest in things that don't affect me directly.
Like this. I notice it only takes 37 words before 'God' pops up - golly gosh, you'd almost think there was some kind of link between 'God' and 'fuck all women, you don't deserve rights'.

So. Let's start from the top with this embarrassingly misogynistic piece of pro-rape propaganda. First off, it is completely misleading in the sense that it is supposedly just there to prevent 'taxpayer money' funding abortions. That's not all it would do. It would also prevent private health insurance covering the cost of abortion, and if that doesn't seem fucked up enough to you, read on.
Secondly, and most offensively, when the bill was first introduced it included a proposal to change the legal definition of 'rape' in cases of abortion, and by 'change' I mean 'narrow down', and by 'narrow down' I mean 'a 12-year-old girl who is impregnated by a 40-year-old man is not entitled to health coverage for an abortion'.

Of course, there were very few people possessed of basic reading comprehension who were not at least a little perturbed by the sweeping generalization implied there - basically, that all rape victims who are not able to prove that they have been assaulted enough don't count as rape victims. By this definition, in order to be taken seriously enough to qualify for healthcare insurance, you will have to provoke your rapist to beat you into submission. Because that's exactly what you want to do when you're being assaulted by someone - piss them off! Not to mention the fact that you are probably a woman, and your attacker is probably a man, and physically that will normally give him all the edge he needs to step it up and actually murder you. Thankfully there are a great many people who are aware of the fact that the majority of rape is not accompanied by a beatdown, and they promptly created A Big Fuss. So that particular part of the bill has been dropped.

Honestly, I find it very difficult to believe that anyone - even someone cruel enough to want to deny women, children and trans people who happen to have wombs the right to choose what happens to their own bodies - is stupid enough to think that 'raped in your sleep? lol no you weren't!' was actually going to slip by unnoticed.  You know how when you're bartering, you're supposed to name a ridiculously high price that no one would actually accept and work your way down from there to the price you'd actually be perfectly happy to settle for in the first place?
Or when you'd say to your parents, "I want to get a tattoo!" and they were all, "FUCK NO" and you were like, "Okay...well, can I go to a party tonight?" and they were all, "Yeah sure, do what you want, just no tattoos!"
Yeah. Something tells me this is kind of like that. A red herring, I guess you could call it. At any rate, just because that was the worst part of the bill doesn't mean the rest of the bill isn't complete bullshit too. I can only cross my fingers and hope people don't 'settle' for an added economic struggle for rape survivors in a time of worldwide recession.

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