February 2, 2011

Liking early Regina Spektor and needing a whole lot more Doctor Who in my life.

I had somehow managed to forget how much I love Regina Spektor's earlier, rougher, freer songs.

Thirty-two is still a goddamn number
Thirty-two still counts

Brilliant. Alright, indie and pretentious, but brilliant nonetheless.

Over the last few days I have, with the mystical powers of Youtube and the internet in general, been giving myself a crash course on the most recent episodes of Doctor Who. For years I had allowed the painfully cheesy low-budget effects and patently ridiculous plots put me off what is actually a very enjoyable show, as it turns out.

Tardy to the party? Well, slightly. But I am making a heartfelt attempt to make up for that! I'm fascinated by its ability to override my rationality and convince me that even though it's blatantly trying to turn "I wear a ____ now. ____s are cool." into a much-loved, oft-quoted catchphrase, I still buy it. I'm sitting there with one half of my brain facepalming and telling me, "That is so fucking lame," and the other half squeeing and shrieking like a deranged fangirl, "Bowties are cool!" Oddly confusing, but I applaud Matt Smith for making it work, because really.

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