March 15, 2011

On people with opinions they really haven't thought about at all.

I can't help but laugh at people who seem convinced that music from the 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s, 50s...well, okay, anything that wasn't released in the last decade, is automatically the pinnacle of musicianship, and all modern music "sounds the same" and "isn't up to the same standard".

Come on now. You'd have to be really, really stupid not to realize that the only reason you know those songs you adore from your parents' era is because they were the absolute best the period had to offer. As shocking as it may seem, music back then was generally pretty cookie-cutter, mass-produced, unremarkable or straight up irritating -- all the things these morons like to whine about in Youtube comments. (By the way -- is there a reason stupid people are completely obsessed with Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber? It's like they can't go five seconds on any music video without Christ compelling them to type out something along the lines of "THUMBS UP IF THIS IS BETTER THAN LADY GAGA" or "SO MUCH BETTER THAN JUSTIN BIEBER").

Now, I know Youtube comments are hardly a good place to find an outstanding sample of humanity, but I think they offer an insight -- of dubious value, admittedly -- into the mind of the average, not-too-smart, completely uninformed citizen of the Western world. And according to this proverbial citizen -- who was probably dropped on their head as a baby...repeatedly -- music has mysteriously gotten awful over the last ten years. Because that makes sense.

So please, dumbasses of the internet, I know you love Nirvana with all your alternative little heart, but the next time you feel like blaring your nonsensical opinion that "MUSIC THESE DAYS IS SHIT, KURT WROTE SONGS THAT WERE SO REAL, FUCK OFF JUSTIN BIEBER/LADY GAGA", don't. Just...don't.

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