March 6, 2011

Because no one ever notices when nice people say nice things.

This could've been a post about Donald Trump being an old rich white homophobe, which is BRAND NEW INFORMATION, but instead I decided to focus on something a little more worthwhile:

Ian Somerhalder, unfairly gorgeous man of Vampire Diaries fame, is pretty upset about the culling of 100 sled dogs in British Columbia. And when I say 'culling', I mean a guy running a dogsled tour company decided business was too slow to warrant the huge amount of dogs he had, so instead of rehoming them or dropping them off at a shelter, he proceeded to shoot/cut the throats of over 100 healthy, tethered dogs. Guess who cared enough to use their status as a well-known member of the community to gather support and raise awareness of the issue? Ian Somerhalder, that's who.

Look at this fucking beautiful human being.

I fucking love this guy. Honestly, his Twitter is just a big ol' ball of heartwarming and caring and all sorts of underrated non-edgy-and-pretentious qualities. There are few things I love more than people who are both aware of the world around them and selfless enough to want to give even a little bit of their time to try to help in any way they can. In the immortal words of Rose Tyler: "You don't just give up. You don't just let things happen. You make a stand. You say no. You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away."

And then I came across this:

For the record, the Christchurch earthquake is officially the worst natural disaster I've ever seen hit my little country, and the worldwide outpouring of mere acknowledgement, let alone support, has been amazing. The fact that this clearly awesome guy was doing his bit to raise awareness, for us and for Libya, is basically +100 excellence as far as I'm concerned.

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