January 31, 2011

On people who'd be better off just not speaking.

Oh Tom Ford. You would be so much cooler if you'd just keep your mouth shut and at least give the impression of intelligence.
"Some people are physically beautiful but yet they’re completely uninteresting, and thus they’re not beautiful. I detach the two. ... That’s why I think gay men make better designers."
Well, I like chocolate ice cream, and that's why I think rabbits make the best pets. What in sweet fuck are you even talking about? Is it possible that somewhere in that incoherent mess of a quote, you were trying to argue that gay men make the best designers because unlike straight men they won't have their judgement clouded by sexual attraction to the women they design clothes for? Quick question, where do women belong in all this - you are aware that there are female designers, right? And by this logic, wouldn't asexual people make ultimate designers? Also when did you make the scientific breakthrough that creativity is inextricably linked to sexual orientation, and why did you keep it quiet until now?

1 comment:

  1. You know who I think make the best fashion designers? Females who aren't super skinny. Then, through personal experience, they actually learn what looks good on real women's bodies, not just what looks great on (beautiful but frustratingly androgynously shaped) models.

    Although, you know, in saying that, ANYONE can make a good fashion designer slash anything. Assumptions and stereotypes are fun, but they really ruin life when they're taken seriously.
