January 23, 2011

On The King's Speech

This is the only coherent reaction I can give.

Colin Firth? Give that man an Oscar, so help me God.
Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter were both stunning, flawless and generally perfect in every way for this film. The film itself looked fantastic - the costuming was understated and brilliant, the sets and locations elegant and beautiful - but more than that, it felt amazing. I literally had tears in my eyes not fifteen minutes in, due mainly to King Firth's mind-blowing excellence. He exuded this man's anxiety and shame, and maybe I can relate to that a little more personally than some, but it was a stunning performance nonetheless. He made a guy's stammer interesting.

I can't even imagine how immense my rage is going to be if an Oscar is not forthcoming.

Haven't seen it? Do yourself and the movie industry a favour by seeing this intelligent piece of art at a cinema and letting your money do the talking for you, because your money will be saying "The general public wants more well-written and beautifully acted films." Don't let the coins in your pocket stay silent! Cast your vote! Raise your voice! We want YOU!

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