January 17, 2011

May the days be aimless. Do not advance action according to a plan.

I have been feeling rather...wayward lately, and not necessarily in a negative way, but I hear tell that this is indeed a Bad Thing. I have friends who would argue for and against this notion, although I don't suppose any of them is really any more correct than the other.

I wonder if my problem is that I am becoming intellectually lazy. Not to the extent of The Common Person, of course - far be it from me to redirect my line of thinking so far from the hazy and unequivocally unimportant as to believe in fundamentally wrong concepts like Foreign Equals Bad, or Drugs Will Inevitably Make You Crazy, or for that matter Drugs Can Never Ever Make You Crazy. Lazy! Pure laziness. In this day and age there is no reason to automatically believe as one is told. Did I say reason? I meant excuse. At any rate, there is none of whatever it is, and that is that.

Of course, only an idiot believes in absolutes.

1 comment:

  1. "Not to the extent of The Common Person, of course" ... :) this is why I love you.

    And also because, even in a state of intellectually lazy waywardness, you still manage to come out with this incredibly poetic prose that sponsers all the right values yet doesn't seem like it cost you much energy at all. Actually, that's why I'm jealous of you, not why I love you.
